Thursday, December 07, 2006

Fa-la-la: Christmas is a time for feasting

It is that time of year again. Which time? You may ask. Dare I call it Christmas? If I recall from recent readings, it is no longer politically correct to call it Christmas. Okay. Fine. I am about to embark on what some might call “editorial comment”. Let it not be said that I have no opinions. (Incidentally, these opinions do not in any way reflect the views of anybody but me and my sometime helper.) During the mid-winter season, cultures for as far back as anybody can remember have had a festival of lights. The winter solstice was marked. It was and is a time to come indoors. The night is dark, cold and long. Inside the candles are lit. A large log is placed on the fire. For centuries it has been called a Yule log. …”To all Europeans, the Yule Log was believed to bring beneficial magic and was kept burning for at least twelve hours and sometimes as long as twelve days, warming both the house and those who resided within…” ( It is the Yuletide. The word comes from the Scandinavian word, “Jol”, a forshortening of another name for the god, Odin. This tradition stood the test of time and became part of the Christmas celebration throughout Europe. Have I lost you yet? My point is that it is the Yuletide season. We have called it “Christmas” for a very long time. For those who choose, this name has religious significance. For others, it is a name for a season of warmth, lights, feasting, and giving. I like that. I have no quarrel with any of that, but especially not with the part about warmth and feasting. (For more information about Yule Logs and their tradition, visit Now for the giving part:

The library has a donation box for non-perishable items to give to the local food shelf. The library will be taking donations until December 22. At all times of year, giving to those less fortunate is very important. I know I never want for food, but there are kitties who do. This is especially difficult during the winter months. At this season of giving let us give a gift of food so that others may feast as well. (You knew I’d mention feasting, didn’t you?)

Again this year the Pine River Library is asking for Giving Tree donations. For each donation of $25 an ornament with your name will be hung on the tree at the library. Money raised through this will help purchase new books for the library. Gift tags will be placed in the books purchased. Personally, I’m terribly fond of the tree and its gift tags. Very festive. Yuletide spirit.

Take home a little Browser for Christmas! (No, I didn’t have kittens.) Browser key rings are on sale now at the Pine River Library. Each little cat is dressed in a T-shirt with my name on it. These make great stocking stuffers for all my fans. That would be nearly everybody. The cost of this family treasure is a mere $6.00.

Your friend,
-Browser, the library cat
Posted in the Pine River Journal December 7, 2006