Here’s a tribute I found surfing the net, something I like to do in the library off hours. (You’ve heard the story about animals talking at midnight on Christmas Eve? Well, not only is that entirely true, but some of us surf when nobody’s looking.)
For winter's rains and ruins are over,
And all the season of snows and sins;
The days dividing lover and lover,
The light that loses, the night that wins;
And time remembered is grief forgotten,
And frosts are slain and flowers begotten,
And in green underwood and cover
Blossom by blossom the spring begins.
Algernon Charles Swinburne (1837 – 1909)
Algernon Charles Swinburne (1837 – 1909)
That man certainly could write his poetry! Some day I hope to take it up as well. Not today, though. Today I must let you know about a few Press Releases issued by Kitchigami Regional Library.
1. The NoveList database of adult and children’s fiction is a wonderful tool for avid readers. It is available to registered library users from home, work, school or at any branch of Kitchigami Regional Library. Over the past year is has become the most frequently used database in KRL’s branch libraries, with more than 70,000 searches done last year... There is now a link from any title to the Kitchigami Regional Library catalog. Users can find out if the library owns a copy and place a request on it in one easy step. Just check the left hand column for the Check the Kitchigami Library Catalog and click on the button. It takes users right to the library’s catalog information on that title. Place a request for it and the library will let you know when it’s available for you.
2. The world of information available at the Pine River Library is bigger than ever. We now offer the web-based investment resource, Value Line. An independent research staff of investment analysts collected data on and analyzes the performance of over 8,000 stocks, 13,000 mutual funds and 80,000 other securities. A variety of investors will find it a wonderful source of objective and reliable information. Individuals, investment clubs – almost anyone will benefit from the information and educational materials in th is information source and its daily updates.
3. HeritageQuest Online is the first stop for online genealogy research. It includes the U.S. Census 1790 – 1930, a huge catalog of local history books, revolutionary war files and an index to magazine articles about family history. KRL cardholders can access this database from home, school or work.
Ancestry Library Edition is the largest and most comprehensive online genealogy resource available. It includes over 4,000 databases with 4 billion names. It also includes census data, maps, and military, immigration and DAR records. This resource is only available on public computers at any branch of Kitchigami Regional Library.
WOWEE! Lots going on, isn’t there? The days may be getting longer and the weather more beautiful, but on those much needed rainy days, get on that computer! Out for a walk in the spring air? Stop in at Pine River Public Library and check on some of this stuff. You could also view some really lovely art work on our walls and our display of kites. Who doesn’t love kites?
Until next time,
The first day of spring is one thing, and the first spring day is another. The difference between them is sometimes as great as a month. Henry Van Dyke (1852–1933) One would think he lived in Pine River!
By the way, today’s poetry comes from http://www.infoplease.com/
-Browser, the library cat.
Printed in the Pine River Journal May 17, 2007