Browser, here. Happy New Year. You have now had time to digest the foolishness of you New Years resolutions. The typical list might be something like this:
1. Read"War and Peace"
2. Lose 25 pounds in the next month
3. Visit a nursing home every Sunday afternoon
4. Go to the gym everyday
5. Be nice to my sister
I have a suggestion...
1. Read one new author in the next year
2. Don't gain any more weight
3. Smile at my neighbor even if you don't especially like him/her
4. Go for a walk or go to the gym once a week
5. Be nice to my sister
My personal list involves more like taking a nap every single day and not biting anybody. Do-able.
How is your reading coming along? It's winter. Time to read. "Snow Time to Read", our adult reading program, is in full swing. You have until March 31 to read 15 books. That is do-able. You'll need to remember to write them down on a sheet provided for you at our Pine River Public Library. Having done that, you will receive a "Snow Time to Read" mug. Drink coffee from it or lemonade or pour wax in it and make a library candle or fill it with M&M's Mugs are good. Reading is also good.

What else are you doing to make winter fun? Fishing? Ice fishing? I personally love fish, though I don't ice fish, but you might. In keeping with this theme, a program is being presented on January 30 at 4:00PM at the Warehouse in Pine River. Greg Breining, Minnesota author of many outdoor books, will be discussing his book "A Hard-Water World: Ice Fishing and Why We Do It". This book was written in conjunction with photographer Layne Kennedy and was nominated for a Minnesota Book Award. Here is what Greg says about his writings:
"My articles and essays about travel, science, and nature have appeared in The New York Times, Audubon, National Geographic Traveler, Islands, and many other publications. I've traveled to the Gobi Desert to find the Przewalski's horse, the arctic plains of Ellesmere Island to count musk ox and wolves, and the caverns of southern Minnesota where an iconoclastic spelunker uses explosives to discover and explore new caves."
He sounds like a very interesting person and I think all of you, men and women alike, will certainly enjoy visiting with this author. This program is funded by The State of Minnesota Legacy Amendment. Visit Pine River Library and receive two free tickets with your valid library card.
Your library is here for you. Without you there would be no library.
Browser, the library cat.
Printed in the Pine River Journal, 28th January 2010
PS The Author talk has been moved to the Pine River Library, same time and date.