Thursday, November 17, 2011

Browser in Cloquet, MN

At the Cloquet Library in the Arrowhead System of Northern MN.

Browser sat in on lapsit story time. Here he is with a few of our friends.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

National Gaming Day @ Pine River Public Library

National Gaming Day @ your library was November 12th, 2011.

Here are some pictures of patrons who stopped in to play!

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

My Visit to the Chisholm Public Library

It was a bumpy ride so I was thrilled when I arrived at my destination, and even more thrilled when I saw all the books! Books stretched from wall to wall, floor to ceiling! Could this be Kitty Cat Heaven???

The librarians in Chisholm were so helpful. First, they offered me a bowl of milk to help me warm up. Next, they led me to the Children’s Room where I could sprawl out and read books while being petted and played with by the visiting children.

I’ll be sad when its time to leave, but the ladies here reassured me I will have just as much fun at the next library I visit.

Until next time,
Browser the library cat

Friday, November 04, 2011

Join us for Gaming Day at your library

Greetings, friends and neighbors!

National Gaming Day at your library is Saturday, Nov. 12. I have given thought to this from a feline point of view. Game? That would be "...wild animals, birds, or fish, hunted for food or sport..." [The American Heritage Dictionary]. My kind of game. Apparently, though, this is not that sort of game. I get vision of dozens of wild animals turned loose in the library and everybody chases them. Fun! But no, this isn't what is meant at all. "A way of amusing oneself; pastime; version." [American Heritage Dictionary]. Same thing, isn't it? Muriel say not. She says, "The library will have games out on every table on this day, so if you sit at a table we ask you to play a game." Come to the Pine River Public Library from 10 am until 1 pm on Saturday, Nov. 12 and have fun playing games. I'll be there trying to figure out why this is more fun than chasing wild animals, birds or fish.

Friday, Nov. 11 is Veteran's Day. Our library will be closed that day. Honor your veterans. They have put their lives on the line for you.

As always,
Browser, the library cat

Printed in the Pine River Journal 3 Nov 2011