Thursday, October 15, 2009

October is cat month at the library

Dear Friends, all,

There are no hyperboles great enough for me to express my enthusiasm for this event. October! That would be the entire month of October. It is, at the Pine River Public Library, CAT MONTH! Of course it is. Naturally it is. We all knew there must be a whole month dedicated to felines. We were, however, unaware that it would be October, but it is so obvious. To someone. Not to me, but who cares? I knew I was important, but an entire month? (Next time we'll shoot for two months, then six, and so forth.)

At this juncture I would like to interject a public responsibility message. Please have your pets spayed or neutered. It is important. I am one of the lucky ones. I was a stray and the library adopted me. Others are not so lucky. Enough said. On to cheerier topics:

"What, you may ask, is the Pine River Library doing to celebrate this most important event?" Funny you should ask that. We would love for you to bring pictures of your cats to the library so that we might post them on the bulletin board. I'm certain that there are many of you who have furry friends you would love to share on our "Friends of Browser" display. Let us make it a goal that we cover the entire space with pictures! As an aside, the library has been contacted by "Cat Fancy Magazine", a monthly publication dedicated entirely to cats and cat stuff. I have no idea whether I will appear in said publication, but at least they thought of me, a library cat of extreme beauty and cunning.

If you would like to take a moment in your reading and/or listening to dedicate a little time to cats, the Kitchigami Regional Library online catalog lists 1937 entries using the keyword "cat". I hope that within that narrow spectrum there might be something for almost everyone.

On to Halloween, a holiday I think of as "Black Cat Day".

This year we will not be having a Haunted House. I'm sad, but I am not usually allowed to attend. There will be a small celebration at The Pine River Public Library, but I have a suggestion. Nobody ever listens to me anyway, so I am able to express myself freely without fear of retribution! Since Halloween happens during cat month, why not bring your resident black cat a treat for Halloween? I feel this is a splendid idea.

Happy October to me! And many happy days to you.

Browser, the library cat

Printed in the Pine River Journal 8 October 2009

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