Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Spring welcomes two programs to library
Celebrate our warm season with this next offering from Minnesota Legacy! Mary Shideler, the Kayak Lady, will be at the Pine River Library on Saturday, May 7th at 2:30 pm. What better way to celebrate Mothers everywhere on the day before Mother's Day? Mary wrote a book about her adventures. "Mary the Kayak lady: One Woman, One Kayak,1007 Lakes." It chronicles her kayaking adventures in Itasca County over 15 years. If I were a water loving sort of feline just the title of Mary's book would have me heading for the water!
But enough about other people... Pine River Library is offering shirts with My Picture on the front! Certainly you can't do without one of those! Also, my paper clone will be traveling around the country. I (or rather my clone) set out April 21st, 2011, on my Minnesota tour. I will also be going across the USA and The World. My pictures and stories (or rather his) will be on my Blog and Facebook page. Follow the adventure!
All aboard.
Browser, the library cat
Printed in the Pine River Journal 28th April 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
My first Travels outside of Pine River

Thank you Brainerd Public Library for having me. Watch for my travels to other libraries.
Browser the Library CatWednesday, April 20, 2011
Keep and eye out for Browser's One World, Many stories!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Animal friendly spring tips, free musical concert April 18
In keeping with spring, Pine River Library is presenting a wonderful music concert. I know it is wonderful because I have heard form the children in the Pequot Lakes School when this man performed there that he was "awesome". His name is Todd Green. He is presenting a FREE Community Concert at The Warehouse in Pine River on Monday, April 18 At 7:00 pm. These FREE tickets are available at the library. We encourage you to pick up your tickets before the concert so that there is some sort of guess about how many of you will attend. Mr. Green brings with him over 30 musical instruments and 4 digital samplers. It takes him six hours to set up for this concert. You won't be disappointed.
Go outside and grow something!
Browser, the library cat Printed in the Pine River Journal 14 April 2011