Well Browser made it the McKinley Public Library in McKinley,MN. This is a
very small one-room library with about 100 residents in town.
The night Browser came--we had our special dog Pansy visiting. Pansy is a little 12
year old pomerian that the children nickname "puffball". The children read
to the dog with her owner twice a year for about 4-6 weeks.
Also, many patrons were on the computers looking at facebook, playing Barbie ,even a
new patron came into the library to fill out an application online.
Browser came to the library on a very busy night. Also,the library is in
the process of a new look with every book given a new home--so books are a
little bit of everywhere.
Nice to have you visit Browser.
I would like to Thank McKinley Public Library for having me at their library. McKinley is located in Northern MN.
Browser the library cat